Qualifications to Rent
We pride ourselves in managing properties that property owners have taken great care of and are well maintained. We are looking for renters who are going to keep these rentals in great shape. Level Up is committed to compliance with all federal, state, and local fair housing laws and will not discriminate against any person because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, familial status, disability, or any other specific classes protected by applicable laws.
Our general qualifications for renting are:
2 years of good rental or ownership history, no history of evictions or owing past landlord's money
Make two (2) times the rent in monthly gross income
Satisfactory credit history - Score of 670 or higher - lack of credit history may be approved at an owner's discretion if all other criteria are met, with double deposit or a qualified co-signer
Arrest records for the last 5 years will be evaluated, if applicable, will consider when the offense happened & if the conviction would jeopardize the safety of others or the property. Arrest record would be considered beyond 5 years only for the unlawful distribution, manufacturing, dispensing, or sale of a material, compound, mixture, or preparation that contains methamphetamine, the unlawful possession of materials to make methamphetamine and amphetamine or any offense that required the prospective tenant to register as a sex offender pursuant to section 16-22-103; or (IV) Any offense described in part 1 or part 6 of article 3 of title 18.​
Other information about applications:​
If you are a subsidized applicant please fill out out the application and check the box on the application stating YES you receive a subsidy, and then you may mark N/A or 0 in the boxes for income and credit information ​
Our application fees are $30 per person, no fees will be processed if another application is in line before yours. We run all applications through approval/denial one at a time on a first come first serve basis before moving to the next in line.
All residents over 18 must have a background check and be on the lease
***Important Disclosures Regarding Portable Screening Reports Your Right to Provide a Portable Tenant Screening Report Pursuant to Colorado law, as a prospective tenant, you have the right to provide to the landlord (us) a portable tenant screening report, as defined in section 38-12-902(2.5), Colorado Revised Statutes; and If you (as the prospective tenant) provide the landlord (us) with a portable tenant screening report, the landlord (we) [are] prohibited from: Charging you (the prospective tenant) a rental application fee; or charging you (the prospective tenant) a fee for the landlord (us) to access or use the portable tenant screening report. Legal Requirements of Portable Screening Reports Colorado Revised Statute, C.R.S. § 38-12-902(2.5) defines a Portable Screening Report (PTSR), and any PTSR submitted by you, must meet the following definition. (2.5) “Portable tenant screening report” or “screening report” means a consumer report prepared at the request of a prospective tenant that includes information provided by a consumer reporting agency, which report includes the following information about a prospective tenant and the date through which the information contained in the report is current: 27 (a) Name; (b) Contact information; (c) Verification of employment and income; (d) Last-known address; (e) For each jurisdiction indicated in the consumer report as a prior residence of the prospective tenant, regardless of whether the residence is reported by the prospective tenant or by the consumer reporting agency preparing the consumer report: (I) A rental and credit history report for the prospective tenant that complies with section 38-12-904(1)(a) concerning a landlord's consideration of a prospective tenant's rental history; and (II) A criminal history record check for all federal, state, and local convictions of the prospective tenant that complies with section 38-12-904(1)(b) concerning a landlord's consideration of a prospective tenant's arrest records. Legal Requirements for PTSRs that Landlords May Insist Upon Further, pursuant to C.R.S. § 38-12-904(1.5)(b), landlords may require: (I) That the screening report was completed within the previous thirty days; (II) That the screening report is made directly available to the landlord by the consumer reporting agency for use in the rental application process or provided through a third-party website that regularly engages in the business of providing consumer reports and complies with all state and federal laws pertaining to use and disclosure of information contained in a consumer report by a consumer reporting agency; (III) That the screening report is made available to the landlord at no cost to access or use in the rental application process; and (IV) A statement from the prospective tenant that there has not been a material change in the information in the screening report, including the prospective tenant's name, address, bankruptcy status, criminal history, or eviction history, since the report was generated. 28 Pursuant to Landlord’s Rights, Landlord insists that any PTSR provided by you meets these additional requirements. I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE RECEIVED AND READ THE FOREGOING LEGAL DISCLOSURES REGARDING PORTABLE TENANT SCREENING REPORTS Disclosures Based on Safe Harbor Important Disclosures Regarding Portable Screening Reports Your Right to Provide a Portable Tenant Screening Report Your Right to Provide a Portable Tenant Screening Report Pursuant to Colorado law, as a prospective tenant, you have the right to provide to the landlord (us) a portable tenant screening report, as defined in section 38-12-902(2.5), Colorado Revised Statutes; and If you (as the prospective tenant) provide the landlord (us) with a portable tenant screening report, the landlord (we) [are] prohibited from: Charging you (the prospective tenant) a rental application fee; or charging you (the prospective tenant) a fee for the landlord (us) to access or use the portable tenant screening report. Landlords Right to Be Exempt from Portable Tenant Screening Reports (PTSRs) While Colorado law gives prospective tenants the right to provide landlords with Portable Tenant Screening Reports, the law also allows landlords to be exempt from the requirement to accept PTSRs if the landlord's application process: (I) Does not accept more than one application fee at a time for a dwelling unit or, if a dwelling unit is rented to more than one occupant, does not accept more than one application fee at a time from each prospective tenant or tenant group for the dwelling unit; and (II) Refunds the total amount of the application fee to each prospective tenant within twenty calendar days after written communication from either the landlord or landlord's agent or the prospective tenant declining to enter into a lease agreement for the dwelling unit. 29 Because the landlord's application process meets these requirements, the landlord is exempt from having to accept PTSRs and therefore does not accept or consider PTSRs as part of the application process.​